Home>All>Washington's Headquarters Brandywine Battlefield - Black Walnut - Z;ASE18001
Washington's Headquarters Brandywine Battlefield - Black Walnut - Z;ASE18001
$ 79.00
This pen is made from the branch of a Black Walnut tree growing near the Benjamin Ring House, in Chadds Ford PA, where General Washington established his Headquarters during the Battle of Brandywine.
The cut of the wood for this one can be quite challenging but it produces a very handsome pen with the dark brown heart wood caped at either end with the lighter sap wood. This pen also has a streak of “black lightning” circling around the top with some crevices that I filled with a gold flake acrylic. This pen has several nice patches of chatoyance. It has no clip as there was no part of the pen that I was willing to cover up. The tree this came from is located at 39°52'26.38"N 75°34'46.32"W.
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