Home>$49.00>Founding Fathers Robert Morris and George Clymer Signers' Mulberry Pen # B;ATH11013
Founding Fathers Robert Morris and George Clymer Signers' Mulberry Pen # B;ATH11013
$ 49.00
This pen is from Signers' Mulberry, held to be the only still living tree planted by a signer, growing at Summerseat in Morrisville Pennsylvania. Summerseat was not only Washington’s headquarters for a time but also the home of two signers of the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution – Robert Morris and George Clymer.
This pen is beige and light brown with a patch of gold flake in acrylic. This tree is located at 40°12'29.28"N, 74°46'47.57"W.
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